Seasonal Thingywhatsits!

The rats, toads, monkeys, sheeple, Deknarf, and our itinerant seal wish you;

HYN 16 No names


About deknarf

Australian born and bred who has spent most of his working life in R&D and IP management with earlier forays in the newspaper industry and martial arts. Fortunate enough to be living in one of the best countries in the World, even though I might get grumpy with it from time to time.
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3 Responses to Seasonal Thingywhatsits!

  1. Sir Joy Of LNPSux says:

    And a very Merry Whatsis to you too with a wonderful 2016 to come filled with many excellent GMs I have a feeling we’ll need a laugh. Thank you for all your fantastic GMs. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sir Joy Of LNPSux says:

    And a very merry whatsis to you & a wonderful 2016 of excellent GMs to come. THank you for all your great GMs. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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